Bush Tyres on target to reach a £60m turnover in 2018
Article written by Bush TyresFrom a bike tyre shop before WWII to a £60m turnover in 2018
Bush Tyres are on target to have a turnover of £60m in 2018
Benjamin Arthur Bush, fondly known locally as Benny, ran a cycle shop in New Bolingbroke Nr Boston, Lincolnshire and shortly before World War II responded to growing public demand by adding the supply of pneumatic car tyres to his established cycle-tyre business.
Today Bush Tyres operates from over 23 locations across Lincolnshire, Yorkshire & Norfolk as well as having a joint venture, ZR Tyres, in Lincoln & a majority share of Endyke Tyres in Hull. In the south of England Bush Tyres co-owns GTW Wholesale in Aylesbury & Brentwood.
Recent additions to the company have been Norwich & Knareborough.
Norwich site was originally for agricultural wheel & tyre supply to vehicle manufactures before it relocated (2020) to Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich. It now caters for Car, Van, SUV, 4×4, LGV & HGV as well as Tractors. The Frenbury Estate, Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich, NR6 5DP
Knaresborough has been the most successful start up of any Bush Tyre depot so far & it caters for any vehicle requiring tyres.
B A Bush has been able to successfully blend its growth with its core principles as a family run business, combining trust & integrity, something we admit is not the normal for our industry.
Read more about B A Bush Tyres here.
Picture & exerts in this article have been taken from an article written by John Fieldhouse for Horncastle News