Bush Tyres are sponsoring Revesby Cricket club
Article written by Bush TyresBush Tyres are proudly sponsoring Revesby Cricket club.
See below the thank you note Bush Tyres received from Robert Knight, Revesby Cricket club.
Dear all at Bush Tyres,
Many, many thanks for your support and generous donation towards the purchase of a new set of wicket covers for us at Revesby Cricket club.We were certainly in a jam with an ancient set of covers that were torn and tatty and nearly unusable. We set our goal of raising the sum required to replace them with a new modern set, a considerable challenge for a small village cricket club but we thought with the help of renowned local businesses we might stand a chance. I am pleased to say we have done it and now have a new set of covers at the ground.
Bush tyres were the first to come on board and your support of grass roots cricket in the locality is very much appreciated by the club now and for future generations of village cricketers at Revesby.
Once again many thanks,
Yours faithfully
Robert Knight
Revesby CC committee.