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Now that we are in the final week of Tyre Safety Month 2023, we cannot forget the importance of regular tyre checks. Remember to A.C.T and check Air pressures, Conditions and Treads regularly.
Protect yourself and your passengers by making sure that the tyres on your vehicles are safe. Keeping your tyres in top condition won’t just help avoid costly repairs but can also help save lives.
October 2023 is Tyre safety month, here is some examples of the “Horror tyres” we have seen in our “Rogues Gallery”. See some of the bad examples for yourself and what to look out for on your own tyres.
School Summer holidays are here! Many of us will be travelling this Summer for a day trip, a week away or even to the airport! Now is the time for vehicle and tyre checks!
We may have the latest wheel alignment technology but that doesn't mean we can't cater for the older vehicles too*. Bush Tyres Boston recently proved this when they were asked to check the wheel alignment on this beautiful 1934 Riley Special Have your wheel alignment checked FREE of ChargeFind your nearest centre here *All we need, to be able to check/adjust your cars wheel alignmen