31 - Aug -

Coronavirus (Covid19) – Having tyres fitted by us – Our Procedures

Article written by Bush Tyres

Due to the Coronavirus (Covid19) outbreak we are implementing the following procedures:

24th February 2022

As per current governmentguidance, you are not legally required to self-isolate if you test positive for Covid-19.
As a company, we are taking the necessary precautions to continue keeping ourcustomers & staff safe.
It is still possible to catch and spread Covid-19, even if you are fullyvaccinated, & so due to this we would advise if you have testedpositive for Covid-19 & have symptoms, you do not visit our premises.

16th July 2021

Guidance effective from Monday 19th July

The government have recommended caution over the coming weeks with England lifting many of its remaining covid restrictions from Monday 19th July
Because of this, we are changing our Covid policy to one of guidance for use of our reception areas and customer experience.

Face Masks
Although the rules making face masks mandatory for most people in places such as shops & on public transport will be lifted, following government guidelines, we "encourage and recommend" the wearing of masks on our premises, especially if cases are rising in the area.

Receptions – seating
We are implementing an advisory limit for the number of people able to be in our reception areas. This limit depends on the size of the waiting area, as well as likely ‘pinch points’ & busy areas are taken into account (e.g. entrances, exits). Where possible one-way routes in & out of the reception area will continue.

Coffee machines
For those who wish to use them, we are re-instating the use of our coffee machines from Monday 19th July. Hand sanitizer will be available for use prior to using the coffee machine & coffee cups will be stored in plastic sleeves to avoid cross contamination.

On behalf of all staff in the Bush Group, we hope you all continue to ‘Stay Safe’ in this unprecedented time.

5th January 2021 – We are open!

Following the government announcement on 4th January that we will be entering a 3rd national lockdown, we would like to reassure all our customers that we are still open and, as a key service, we will be open throughout the lockdown. Following government guidance, we already have well-established social distancing measures, sanitisation points and daily cleaning in place at all our branches to keep you and our team safe. We will continue support the needs of our customers’ requirements during this time and all existing appointments will continue as planned. We will also still be offering our Mobile Fit service including the option for a contactless handover. Our office team are also available to help over the phone and online to take bookings and answer any questions you may have.

We would like to thank you all for your patience and support at this time, we look forward to seeing you soon.


3rd December 2020 – We Are Open

All of our centres are open and are continuing to follow Government guidlines for the respective tier levels in their area.

3rd November 2020 – WE ARE OPEN!

Following the government announcement on 31st October, we would like to reassure all our customers that we are still open. As a key service, we will be open throughout the lockdown. We will be following government guidance and will have strict COVID-19 procedures in place across all our branches

23rd August 2020

Following on from the Government announcement on Tuesday 22nd September 2020, thefollowing will be applied at all of our Centres

  • Customer facing – Face Mask/Covering MUST be worn by staff and customers**.
  • Closed/locked door policy MUST be in place at all branches – allowing time to put a face mask on to serve the customer.
  • A face mask/covering MUST be worn by all employees if any customers are waiting within the branch. (Due to weather conditions/paying etc)
    Customers are also expected to wear a face mask/covering when inside our centres in line with Government Guidance.**
  • A face mask/covering will be worn when in a customers vehicle.
  • Customers are NOT permitted within workshop areas at any time. Customers are also not permitted to enter office areas at any time.
  • Social distancing measures already in place MUST be maintained.
  • Commercial employees MUST have a mask/face covering available & used when talking to customers/drivers.
  • Distribution employees MUST have a face mask/covering available & used when talking to customers/drivers delivering onto site etc and when making deliveries.

**To see Government Guidance regarding the use of face masks/coverings click here

Please understand these rules have been set by theGovernment and not by
B. A. Bush & Son Ltd. (Bush Tyres), Abbey Tyre Co, Endyke Tyres, BAB Distrubution or ZR Tyres and it is in all of our interests to abide by them.


5th August 2020

Customers may wait in the reception area as long as a face covering is worn and a minimum of 1 metre social distance is to be observed.

Staff members do not have to a wear face coverings, if they choose not to, but must maintain a 2 metre social distance in this instance. (If a face covering is worn a 1 metre minimum social distance will be maintained)

Card machines & surfaces will be sainitised on a regular basis.

Drinks from Coffee machines, etc, will not be available to customers.

Maximum number of customers allowed in the reception area, at anyone time, is based on the latest Covid-19  giudelines from the Government & the physical size of the reception area to allow social distancing measures to be maintained.

12th June 2020

From Monday 15th June our centres will have new Opening Times

Check the opening times for a centre near you on our Branch Finder page

21st May 2020

Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020

We can confirm we are complying with the governments guidance on managing the risk of COVID-19 by implementing the ‘5 steps to safer working together’.
To inform and reassure all of our customers we are following these procedures we are displaying a ‘Staying COVID-19 Secure in 2020’ certificate at all of our centres.

15th May 2020
New & Revised Procedures

Our business is showing signs of a slow increase in trade aftersome of the government’s restrictions have been lifted. We are all seeing moretraffic on the roads, which is a healthy Indication, & have started to seean increase in volume of work coming into our depots.

Because of this, we are monitoring the situation daily andplan to have a staged return of staff and, at the same time, will start toincrease our working hours to a new normal. We continue to work as safely aspossible, washing our hands regularly, cleaning down common areas andcontinuing to be stringent on the social distancing guidelines.

Sneeze screen | Coronavirus Covid 19 protection | Bush TyresTo aid social distancing, we are implementing ‘sneezescreens’ which will be in all of depots for your additional safety when makingpayments or receiving quotes in our reception areas.

 Below are the workingguidelines will are continuing to implement  in addition to using the new ‘sneeze screens’.

Working Guidlines

  • MainReception doors will be locked with signage to Instruct the customer to wait ata safe distance for service.

  • Fittingbay doors will be open and monitored for arriving customers – where possible ourstaff will come to your car window to talk to you at a safe distance.

  • Only1 customer will be allowed in the reception for quotation purposes or fortaking payments.

  • Cardpayment machines will be cleaned with a disinfectant wipe before handing over toyou for payment.

  • Whilework is being completed, customers can choose to either

  1. Wait outside

  2. Wait in your vehicle (workdependant)

  3. Leave your vehicle andcollect later.

  • Customercoffee machines will remain out of action.

  • PPEto be worn effectively by our staff.

  • Commonsurfaces / door handles etc will be cleaned at regular intervals.

  • Weprefer to take card payments where possible.

  • ‘Sneezescreens’ to be used when quoting & taking payments

 Customer using Covid 19 (Coronavirus) 'Sneeze Screen' | Bush Tyres

Business is not as usual & because of this we are implementing the following procedures when you visit our centres.

On arrival:
Park your car in the car park and wait in your car – a member of staff will come to you.

Do Not go into our centres unless you have been invited by a member of staff.

Our reception doors will be locked with only one fitting bay door open, which is monitored by a member of staff.

  • Only ONE customer will be allowed in the reception area at a time. (No exceptions)
  • For health reasons, Coffee machines will be out of action
  • All common surfaces will be cleaned at regular intervals
  • Card payment machines will be wiped with a disinfectant wipe before use by each customer
  • Technicians will be wearing protective gloves, PPC.

While work is being completed customers can choose to either

  1. Wait outside the branch in a safe place.
  2. Wait in their cars (work dependant – our technicians will advise)
  3. Leave the vehicle and collect later.


March 2020

Covid19 - Catch It, Bin It, Kill ItIn an effort to help contain the spread of Coronavirus(Covid-19) we have put in place procedures to help you when you require our servicesduring this period.

All toilets, counter tops, door handles & general areas of contact will be cleaned regularly in an effort to contain the spread of the Covid19 virus in our premises.

All our staff who drive or go inside the passenger compartment of your vehicle will bewearing a brand new pair of neoprene (or similar) gloves. This is something the majority of ourtechnicians have always done but now they will be worn for the containment ofthe virus as well. They will also wear a face mask to prevent air born contamination from coughing & sneezing & the seat they are using will be protected with a new plastic seat cover.

Please note: Contamination of the Covid-19 virus is bydirect contact and it is recommended you do not get any closer than 2 meters (7feet) to an infected person. Our staff will remain at least this distance awayfrom you at all times and we would appreciate it if you helped maintain thisspace.

We also have procedures in place if you would prefer not to be in close proximity with anyone while we work on your vehicle.

Arriving at our depot, follow these simple steps:

1) Bring your car/van/SUV or 4×4 to us and park up in ourcar park.

2) Telephone the depot explaining due to the Coronavirusoutbreak you would prefer to not to come into our reception area.

Our staff will ask you what your vehicle requirements are and will advise youof what to do next.

3) When the time arrives for your vehicle to be worked on,we will contact you to either bring your vehicle into our workshop or, if youprefer, to leave it at the bay entrance.
Note: A member of staff will guide you in, please watch them & follow theirinstructions at all times.

4) When you get out of the vehicle, leave the keys (andlocking wheel nut key – if applicable) on the windscreen near the windscreenwipers, then stand well away from the depot (in a safe place) and where youfeel comfortable to be. (Don’t forget to take your mobile phone with you).
Note: If left at the bay entrance, we will have to get in your vehicle to driveit into the bay or onto a service lift.

5) Once your vehicle is in the workshop, we will carry outthe work required and will avoid going inside your vehicle, where possible.Some procedures will involve our technicians getting into your vehicle. Pleasestate, prior to any work being done, if you would prefer us not to do so.

6) When the work has been completed, our technicians willeither take your car out of the workshop (if you so wish) or leave it in theworkshop. The vehicles key (and locking wheel nut) will be left on thewindscreen near the windscreen wipers, as before.
If your vehicle is left for you to take out of the workshop, we will guide you.Again, please follow our technician’s instructions at all times.


If you have ordered & paid for your tyres online,there will be no further contact with anyone when you are at our centre. Theonly exception to this is if you have had additional work done that has notbeen paid for online. (Wheel alignment etc)

Card payments can be made over the telephone, thoughwe would prefer to use chip & pin. For the later, we will bring our cardreader out to you (if possible) leaving the card reader in an appropriate placeallowing both you and our member of staff to stand at least 2 meters away fromeach other

Note: For all transactions we will require your name & address (associatedwith the payment card) a contact telephone number and an email address to allow us tosend you a copy of your receipt.

Mobile Tyre FittingService

By far the best way to avoid un-necessary contact with anyoneif you require tyres for your vehicle is to use our mobile tyre fittingservice.
You can order your tyres online & choose a fitting time thatsuits you.
Payment will be taken over the phone.

Please Note: This service is best pre-booked online.

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