Lincolnshire Young Farmers Agricultural Tyre Evening at Bush Tyres
Article written by Bush TyresBush Tyres, Horncastle, held an Agricultural Tyre Evening for Lincolnshire Young Farmers on Thursday (17/10/19)
The evening started off with a welcome message from Brett Mayhew (Bush Tyres) before introducing Michelin‘s representative, Ian Whitwell, who did a stirling job explaining the following tyre related subjects:
- tyre sidewall markings & dimensions,
- choosing the right tyre to match the power of a tractor,
- Michelin’s Very High Flexion (VF) tyres,
- Soil protection,
- Tractor load balancing calculations,
- How to set tyre pressures without the use of a tyre pressure gauge.
Chris Kelly & Matt Smith (both from Bush Tyres) along with Ian demonstrated
what is involved with a tractor wheel alignment as well as explaining the benefits
of an alignment.
Quick fact: Did you know that if your tractor wheel alignmnet is out by only 5% you could have a decrease in fuel economy by up to 12%
This event turned out to be a very successful evening for all involved & Bush Tyres would like to thank Ian, from Michelin, who kindly donated his time to help, & everyone from LYF who came to make this one of the best attended nights so far.
If you would like us to arrange a similar event in your area please contact your nearest centre
Event topics could be:
Car: tyres, wheel alignment, inspection & servicing.
Agricultural: As detailed in this article.
Commercial tyres: How to maintain & prolong the life of commercial tyres.