30 - Jan -

The benefits of maintaining correct tyre pressures?

Article written by Bush Tyres

The majority of motorists are unaware of how manybenefits they stand to gain by making sure their tyres are set to the correct pressure. Many are unaware ofthe dangers linked to inaccurate tyre pressures which can plague driverswith a host of issues.

‘The advantagesof accurate tyre pressures’ include better road safety,improved fuel efficiency and prolonged tyre life. Drivers and their passengerscan rest assured that they will have a safer journey thanks to correct tyrepressures – this is mainly because the vehicle’s handling and the tyres’grip on the road will be improved if the tyre pressures are set correctly to the manufacturers specifications. Thetyres will also aid in maintaining shorter breaking distances and offer areduced chance of aquaplaning. Lower fuel costs are guaranteed too, becauseless force is required to rotate them when the tyre pressures are correctly-inflated.This means a car will use less petrol or diesel as a result.

‘Environmentalbenefits’, Not only is this great news for every driver’s wallet, but italso means the environment will reap the benefits thanks to a reduction incarbon monoxide emissions. Add to this, one simple tyre check can make your tyres go thedistance, so you don’t have to replace them more often than required.Those tyres which aren’t kept at the right pressure will tend towear out far more quickly.

"Using Bush Tyres……drivers can be sure they
aregetting the best out of their tyres" 

Other dangers associated with incorrectly set tyrepressures.
Tyres which are under-inflated will have a tendency to overheat & will reduce the ‘contactpatch of the tread with the road, as opposed to over-inflated tyreswhich can make the handling of a vehicle very difficult because there is less tyretread area on the road.
Other issues include a higher chance of sustaining severe damage to your tyresas a result of incorrect tyre pressure which could be costly.

‘To avoid theseproblems’, drivers should check their tyre pressure frequently.
If you don’t want to check them yourself, call into any of our tyre centres tohave a free tyre pressure check & inspection.

‘When to check’To get the maximum benefits from any tyres, it is important to check the pressuresa minimum of once a month, or especially prior to long journeys andwhen the vehicle’s load is to be varied. This is because, & unbeknown tomany motorists, the tyre in normal use flexes a lot in all directions and becauseof this the air gradually escapes from the tyre – even if it is just a smallamount, thus reducing the tyre pressure.


‘The correct pressurefor any tyre’ is worked out by calculating the amount of air pumped intothe inner lining of the tyre in psi or bar pressure. This can be checked in amatter of minutes with the right equipment, by means of a tyre pressure gauge.Anyone giving it a try will need to know their car’s correct pressure rating aswell as having access to an accurate pressure gauge and air pump. This maysound like a difficult task, but it doesn’t have to be. All car’s, especiallyafter 2012, will have a pressure chart sticker on the car. This will either beon the door jams (visible when the door is open) or inside the fuel filler capflap. Sometimes there will be multiple choices of tyre pressures on the chart.
The first thing to do is look for the tyre size on the chart that matches thetyre size on the vehicle’s wheels. (Note: look at the tyre itself for thisinformation rather than the handbook).
The next thing to do is look at what load is expected to be carried in the car.Once determined, look at the tyre pressure for the load required that islocated under both the front & the rear wheels on the chart. Most cars havea different tyre pressure for the front wheels compared to the rear wheels.

‘Make it easy’Local tyre specialist Bush Tyres offer customers a free service to make suretheir tyres are set to the correct tyre pressure by Make, Modeland Year. A spokesman for Bush Tyres said: "Visitors to Bush Tyres can getaccurate tyre pressure data for almost all vehicles on the road today. By usingBush Tyres and completing the necessary checks, drivers can be sure they aregetting the best out of their tyres".

Don’t ignore your TPMS light!

 Bush Tyres Branch Finder

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