14 - Feb -

New pair of 295/30ZR20 Pirelli Pzero * marked rear tyres for 2018 Alpina D5 S

Article written by Bush Tyres

Thisrare and exclusive Alpina D5 S came into our Horncastle branch for a new pairof 295/30ZR20 Pirelli Pzero, BMW * marked tyres. There is no mistaking anAlpina from a standard BMW with iconic 20 spoke design wheels and racing stripeside decals. The ultimate version of a luxury BMW grand tourer.

2018Alpina D5 S – No ordinary BMW

Poweredby a 3 litre Bi-Turbo Straight-six diesel engine based on the G30-generation5-Series. This Alpina D5 S stands out from the crowd with unique wheels,side decals, custom badges, and bespoke trim. Alpina cars are a rare sight on UKroads, only 72 saloons and 16 estates were sold in the limited production run. Alpinaowners always speak highly of the brand with higher performance, refinement,and exclusivity. The most striking feature, the 20 inch 20 spoke design alloywheels are not just there for looks. The wheels were originally developedin the late 1960s to produce the strongest and lightest wheels possible, stylefollows function. By 1971 the 20 spoke design made its debut on the 1971 3.0CSL.

New pair of 295/30ZR20 Pirelli Pzero * marked rear tyres for 2018 Alpina D5 S

TheAlpina D5 S is best described as a handmade version of a BMW, with highlyindividual interior design optimised for the "touring" style of driving. Thiscar also features the very noticeable, and optional (for the more discreet look),side stripes. These rhombic designs were first offered in the mid-1970s tothose wanting their unique cars to stand out from the crowd. Designs andcolours are based on patterns seen exclusively on Alpina’s historic race cars.

Alpinaitself began as an engine tuner in 1962 when the founder Burkard Bovensiepencreated a unique Weber Dual Carburettor for the BMW 1500. BMW were soimpressed; they officially certified the product in 1964. By 1965 the companywas fully established, working on performance improvements to BMW engines. In1983 the engine tuner had become a fully listed independent car manufacturer,creating unique hand-built versions of popular BMW models. The logo, to thisday a red and blue background shows a Weber Carburettor and a crankshaftproudly displaying the manufacturer’s tuning heritage.

PirelliPzero* 295/30ZR20

ThesePirelli PZero tyres carry the BMW Star marking *. This can be found onthe sidewall of the tyre and confirms that the tyre was designed in conjunctionwith BMW. BMW and Pirelli currently have 78 Original Equipment homologationsacross the product range. This process is costly for both the tyre and the carmanufacturer and can often take up to two years to complete. Although some exceptionsdo exist, in most situations, it makes sense to use the tyres specificallydesigned for use on your vehicle.

New pair of 295/30ZR20 Pirelli Pzero * marked rear tyres for 2018 Alpina D5 S

Ifyou are looking for some Pirelli Tyres for your Alpina, BMW, or anyother vehicle. Please visit one of our dedicated Pirelli Performance Centresor any of our local branches. The team will be happy to give you moreinformation and advice on the best tyres for your vehicle.

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