Bush Tyres OE2 division advises Farm Machinery Journal about agricultural tyre technology
Article written by Bush TyresFor the October edition of Farm Machinery Journal we were approched by FMJ as theywere writing an article about tyre developments in agriculture.
FMJ approached us because of a recommendation by Horsch, who we helped find thecorrect wheel & tyre product for their trailed sprayers. This relationship has subsequentlygone from strength to strength as OE2 supplies Horsch with other wheel & tyre fitments for their machinery range.
FMJ & OE2 (Bush Tyres) spoke about the way the industry isdeveloping from initially the farmer just requiring a tyre to get from A to Bto how the times have changed as most customers are nowmaking well informed buying decisions based on quite a bit of research,including talking to manufacturers as well as other farmers, both face to faceand on forums.
Manufacturers must take a lot of credit for this. Not onlyhave they developed more advanced technology, they are also providing superbsupport and back-up, such as farm visits to weigh equipment to provide specificadvice on the ideal pressures for the machines and work.
Agricultural machinesare hugely bigger now with higher horsepower and they need to be able to do a multitude ofjobs. Add to this that most farmers fields are worked, not just twice a year asin the past, but all year round now.
Technology has also developed with tyres such as IF (IncreasedFlexion) and VF (Very High Flexion). They are now standard fitments that are beingused across the market and we are sure there is more development to come.
Tyresneed to have higher load ratings and speed is also a critical factor. Somemanufacturers limit their machines, however, more and more of them are capableof 65kmh and this is where the future will be.
IF & VF technology means the tyres have more flexible sidewalls which allows IF tyres to deliver thebenefit of carrying 20 per cent more load or the same load at 20 per cent lesspressure than a standard tyre, while VF tyres double the capacity. This meansthe VF tyres can support a 40 per cent heavier load at the same pressure orallows a 40 per cent reduction in pressure at the same load.
In both cases soilcompaction is greatly reduced when carrying the same loads that a standard tyrecould carry.
Bush Tyres OE2 division have seen a significant rise in interest from UKmanufacturers, and customers alike, for using VF technology on self-propelledsprayers.
The design is exactly what was need – the largerfootprint spreads the load, which protects the soil, while supporting heavierloads. The same technology is now being used increasingly on specialist sprayerand row crop operations, allowing heavy sprayer loads to be carried at theirmaximum road speeds.