03 - Oct -

Win a Spitfire Experience Competition Winner

Article written by Bush Tyres

Brian Williams received his Aero Legends Spitfire Experience prize from Samantha Allatt (Bridgestone) and Matthew Lincoln (Bush Tyres)

Mr Brain Williams receiving his Spitfire Experience prize from Samantha Allatt (Bridgestone) & Matthew Lincoln (Bush Tyres) at Bush Tyres Skegness Centre
Congratulationsto Mr Brian Williams on winning the Spitfire Experience Competition in association with Bush Tyres,Bridgestone/Firestone & Props & Pistons.

Mr BrainWilliams (pictured centre) received his Spitfire Experience prize from Samantha Allatt(Bridgestone UK) & Matthew Lincoln (Bush Tyres) at our Skegess centre today(3rd October 2018)

On receivinghis prize Brian said, "I’ve never won anything before………I onlyentered this competiton because your centre manager encouraged me to doso". Brian went on to say, "I can’t believe I have won…..I always use Bush Tyres because of their excellent service……I am really thrilled to be going on this experience".
NowBrian has a desicion to make, does his 20 minute flight in an Aero Legends MkTIX Spitfire (pictured above) take off from Headcorn Aerodrome which can route over The Battle of Britain Memorial atCapel Le Ferne or from Sywell Aerodrome where he can experience what theSpitfire can do in the area local to the aerodrome. Either way we are sure he willthoroughly enjoy his experience.

Bush Tyres would like to thank all entrants to the Win A SpitfireExperience Competition as well as to Bridgestone/Firestone (especially Samantha for taking time out of her busy schedule to present the prize) & Props &Pistons for all their support.

To see our latest competitions and special offers click here


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